Making A Good Impression With Your Front Lobby
A positive first impression for your office space is key in ensuring clients will return to your business. Because the front lobby of your business is the first space your customers will see, itâs imperative that attention is dedicated to your front lobby and keeping it clean. Here are five ways to keep your front lobby looking its best.
Focus on Highly Trafficked Spots
While almost every portion of your front lobby will be used at one time or another, there are some spots that are used more often than others. These spaces typically include the space in front of the front desk, the area in front of offices and entrance doors, and bathrooms. While your entire space requires cleaning attention, it is usually wise to take the extra time to clean these high traffic areas to keep your lobby looking its best.
Use Mats In Doorways
Consider using entrance mats or throw rugs around doorways that are used most often. These mats can be easily cleaned and will prevent dirt to build in your carpet. They are also helpful in preventing your carpet from becoming worn in these specific areas, which can help your lobby look more professional.
Fresh & Clean Scent
Smell can be a major factor in memory for most individuals. Scents can easily become attached to both positive and negative memories, and you donât want the smell of your lobby to be linked to a negative impression. To keep your lobby smelling its best, allow fresh air in with open windows when weather permits. The vents of your HVAC system should also be cleaned before the office is closed up tight during the winter months to prevent stale, unclean air from circulating throughout your office and lobby.
Dusting is Never Overrated
While dusting may seem overrated with all of the new cleaning tools available today, but dusting is still necessary. Dust can easily rest along the surfaces of your lobby, which can leave a poor first impression in clients.
Clean Windows
Windows allow your clients to see the inside of your front lobby before they even set foot inside. If your windows are dirty or smudged, your potential client is already left with a negative impression of your business.