Elite Clean Co Kansas CityElite Clean Co Kansas City


Clean Your Allergies Away

Allergy season is upon us. We can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, until that familiar tingling in the nose sets in. For those who also suffer from severe allergies and/or asthma, this is a particularly difficult and dangerous time of the year. In some cases, allergies to spring’s pollens and dust can turn into allergic rhinitis, sinus infection, and for asthmatics serious breathing trouble. You don’t have to seal yourself into a bubble, however, to avoid the discomfort of spring allergies. Keep things clean and fresh and be surprised at the difference it makes.

Allergy-proof Your Cleaning Products

Before you dive into your spring-cleaning, it’s important to look at what you use to clean first. This might surprise you, but your cleaning products could actually be causing your allergic reaction more than seasonal allergies. Studies show that perfumes can trigger allergies in some people and are definitely bad news for asthmatics, so dump the air fresheners, scented detergents, furniture polish, everything, and opt for natural, unscented cleaners instead.

Scent isn’t the only thing that might be irritating to you and your family. Certain ingredients that were once thought as fantastic for cleaning are also detrimental to those suffering from seasonal allergies and asthmatics. Even if you do have unscented cleaners, check the labels for ammonia, bleach, calcium hypochlorite, chlorine, D-limonene, formaldehyde, sodium hypochlorite, and sodium lauryl sulphate. Don’t be surprised if your cleaning products fail to list the ingredients, and if they do, turn them in during your city’s next hazardous waste collection.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, there are plenty of simple, affordable, and natural cleaning options out there that will clean, sanitize, and freshen your home without harsh allergy-inducing chemicals. If you don’t want to purchase natural cleaners, make your own using ingredients such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemons, olive oil, salt, and white vinegar.

Clean Your Allergies Away

Once you’ve removed the irritants from your cleaning supplies, it’s time to clean. As you know, pollens and dust multiply exponentially in the spring and summer months. This is in part due to everything blooming and in part due to your doors and windows being open. Cleaning tasks that could have been put on hold in the winter cannot be set aside in spring, particularly if you are suffering from allergies. It’s time to roll your sleeves up, put on a mask if cleaning exacerbates your allergies, and follow these tips:

  • Start outside. It does you no good to clean the inside of your home from top to bottom if dirt and pollen is going to be tracked in from the outside, particularly if you have carpeting to trap the irritants. Keep your driveway, walkways, front porch, and patios swept clean to avoid additional dust being tracked or blown into your house.
  • Reduce your clutter. Speaking of dust, there is no better dust trap than a ton of knick-knacks, bookshelves full of books, boxes everywhere, magazines, newspapers, piles of clothes… I could go on. If your house is cluttered, it’s dusty, not to mention a lot harder to clean. Reduce your clutter to avoid dust traps. You don’t want the dust and you definitely don’t want the mites.
  • Replace mattress covers and pillowcases. Speaking of dust mites, replace your mattress covers and pillowcases with dust-proof covering. It’s also wise to replace your bedding with hypoallergenic, natural options to ensure that your allergies are not being triggered at night during your sleep. The same goes for your blankets and comforters.
  • Wash them weekly. Aside from protecting your mattress and pillows from dust mites, you should also wash your sheets and pillowcases weekly in your washing machine’s hot cycle, and your blankets and comforters monthly. Use unscented, hypoallergenic, biodegradable laundry detergent and soften your bedding naturally with white vinegar or baking soda.
  • Don’t dry outside. It admittedly saves energy to avoid using your dryer and air-dry your laundry, but as your linens and clothing are sun drying, they are also picking up pollen from the air. When your allergies kick up, dry everything in the dryer using the lowest heat setting possible to save energy, and skip dryer sheets – those are all kinds of trouble, including causing allergic reactions.
  • Trap the dust. Speaking of the dust and pollen outside, you need to trap the dust and pollen inside while cleaning; otherwise, it’ll just be released into the air and settle onto your floors, furniture, and dĂŠcor. Use damp clothes to wipe everything down instead of dry dusting, and make sure your vacuum has a good HEPA filter that traps dust instead of kicking it into the air.
  • Watch for mold. Keep your kitchen, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and any other area in your home where there is moisture as dry and clean as possible to avoid mold growth. Mold is a primary allergen and can be extremely hazardous to everyone’s health, particularly if you or a family member suffers from asthma. Air out damp environments and keep them clean.
  • Do this weekly. You might be able to clean your house bi-monthly or monthly in the winter, but you won’t be able to in the spring and summer. Perform all of the steps above weekly to ensure that you are keeping dust and pollen down to a minimum, and vacuum at least twice a week; if you notice the house becoming dirty prior to your weekly schedule, clean earlier to avoid unnecessary irritation.

If you find after practicing these cleaning tips that your allergies aren’t getting any better, you may have to take drastic steps, such as redoing your flooring, curtains, and blinds to avoid allergy triggers like carpeting and heavy drapes that cannot be washed regularly. You might also have to keep your doors and windows shut and run your air-conditioning instead of allowing fresh, yet pollen-laden, air inside. I hope you don’t have to do this, because a beautiful spring day needs to come into your home. Either way, ease your seasonal allergies by keeping everything clean and dust-free.

Keeping Your Office Restrooms Clean & Sanitary

Sanitary restrooms are a must in the workplace, especially if your customers visit your location. Likewise, when co-workers must share a bathroom, it is essential to maintain a clean, pleasant environment. After all, who wants to walk in and find paper towels all over the floor or worse, an unpleasant mess in the stall? Check out the following tips to ensure that will help you keep your office restrooms clean, sanitary and in great condition.

Treat the Restroom and Co-workers with Respect

Dropping toilet paper on the floor or leaving puddles around the sink area isn’t acceptable at home, and it is no more tolerable at work. It is essential for all employees to respect their co-workers by treating the restroom as if it were their own at home. This means always flushing, discarding trash and cleaning up soap and water spills. For sanitary restrooms, everyone needs to leave the area clean after use. It is a good idea for office workers to set some ground rules regarding bathroom cleanliness so that this is consistently accomplished.

Establish Employee Policies for Restroom Maintenance

You’ve probably seen the signs people post in the office kitchen that say, “Your mother does not work here. Clean up after yourself!” This goes double for the shared workplace restroom, especially if it’s a unisex facility. Important considerations include keeping the paper towels stocked, the soap dispenser full and the bathroom tissue ever-present. Invest in a small storage cabinet to keep extra supplies close by but out of sight. A covered trash can is also important for maintaining a clean, neat image. Make sure to replace lightbulbs when they burn out as well. Finally, invest in an air freshener system so that the restroom is always pleasant to visit.

Schedule Proper Restroom Maintenance

To keep your office bathroom sanitary for everyone, implement routine upkeep procedures. Although you can put staff members in charge of keeping the restroom clean and looking good, that may not be the best use of their time. Also, your employees may not take well to those particular tasks. Working with an experienced cleaning company is the best way to handle this aspect of facility maintenance, because company employees need to handle their own work, not scrub toilets and mop floors. Professional office cleaners can make sure that the entire restroom is clean and germ-free, well stocked with products and putting forth a great image on your behalf. It is, however, a good idea to ask employees to notify management or the janitorial company of problems or malfunctions in the restroom. Not only do broken sinks or toilets make it difficult to keep a restroom clean, but they can also cause slips and falls or employee accidents.

Sharing a restroom with co-workers doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. Contact the Kansas City commercial cleaning experts at Elite Clean Co to discuss your office cleaning needs. We will handle everything to ensure that your company always has clean and sanitary restrooms.

Areas Missed By Most Commercial Cleaning Companies

All commercial cleaning companies are the same, right?

Well, not quite. Salesmen try to convince companies that they have the best commercial cleaning company on the market and go to great lengths to make them look like the best candidate.

Ultimately, it comes down to the people cleaning your building.  Do they have an extensive commercial cleaning background?  Are they familiar with what to do and who to contact when emergencies happen?

Most commercial cleaning companies hire employees with little or no background in cleaning and attempt to teach them the tricks of the trade in a couple of weeks.  Hiring employees with little to no experience results in lower wages and more profit for the cleaning company.  However, many areas will never be taught to the employee.  Here are some common areas that most commercial cleaning companies miss when cleaning offices.

1.  Bottom of the urinal

Men’s bathrooms normally have a reputation for smelling bad.  Most commercial cleaning companies will clean the mirrors, countertops, polish chrome accents, wipe down the toilets, and disinfect the front of the urinals.  When the smells persist, they resort to other measures, like urinal cakes or toilet deodorizes.  If you can still smell urine after these items have been installed, chances are that the janitors are not cleaning the flat surface directly under the curve at the base of the toilet?  Why aren’t they being cleaned?  Because the janitors simply can’t see them.  We toured a building recently with this issue and used a razor to scrape off about 1/8″ of dried, caked up urine from the bottom of the urinal.  The smell from the bathroom greatly improved overnight.  Even janitors with years of experience are proned to miss this area, but they should all be aware of it.  And the good ones will clean it and maintain it.

2.  Elevator Tracks

Most large office buildings have elevators and these elevators are generally used heavily.  Contracts typically specify that the elevators are to be cleaned each night, but the tracks typically get skipped.  Although very easy to clean, most janitors will skip cleaning these tracks because they don’t notice the amount of debris in them or they fear the loud buzzing sound the elevator makes when the doors are held open too long.  Cleaning elevator tracks typically involves spraying degreaser directly onto the track, then wiping side to side until the stains are gone.  Most commercial cleaners are either unaware, or unwilling, to clean this very simple area.

3.  Inside Microwaves

Most office buildings have break rooms, which in turn have microwaves.  Many times the outside of the microwave is simply wiped off, but the inside is skipped.  Why?  Many janitors feel that cleaning the interior of the microwave encourages workers not to cover their food, thereby causing more food buildup.  Cleaning the inside of microwaves is very easy, if you know the trick of the trade.  Fill up a coffee mug with water and heat it up for about 2 minutes.  Remove the mug, then use a de-greaser/disinfect to wipe out the microwave.  Heating up the water re-hydrates the food particles left in the microwave, which makes it easy to clean.

4.  Tops of Bathroom Stalls

Bathrooms seem to be the source of most office cleaning complaints.  Even if the bathrooms are being cleaned properly, many janitors forget to dust the tops of the bathroom stalls.  If these areas are not maintained regularly, an accumulation of dust will occur, causing extra dust to circulate throughout the bathroom.  Make sure to check the tops of the stalls in the bathroom for excessive dust.

Ask lots of questions of any company bidding your cleaning services.  Tell them you want to know the background and other offices that the new janitor has cleaned.  Check the references from the actual janitor, as well as the commercial cleaning company, before you decide on the right cleaning company to clean your office.

If you’re interested in visiting with Elite Clean Co about your commercial cleaning needs, give us a call at (913) 713-9579.

How To Cut Down Your Small Business Energy Bill

Small businesses use energy mostly for heating and cooling, lighting, office equipment, and any specialized machinery required for the business. Outlined below are six basic steps which a small business can take to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills.

1. Track your energy costs.
Take time to review your energy usage and understand how your business consumes energy.

2. Pay attention to how you use energy.
You and your employees can do a lot to save money simply by turning things off when they are not in use. Keep up on routine maintenance. By maintaining and cleaning equipment, you can ensure the safe and efficient operation of your energy consuming systems and appliances.

3. Troubleshoot problem areas.
If you suspect equipment is malfunctioning, running too long, or not operating properly, get it fixed quickly. Install more efficient equipment.

4. Invest in systems or appliances with high energy efficiency ratings.
New equipment and appliances offer opportunities for improved energy efficiency. If there is an added cost for high efficiency equipment, be sure to factor in savings from lower energy operation costs over the life of the appliance. Here are some suggestions that provide a good return on your investment:

  • Install automatic, programmable, set-back thermostats to control both heating and cooling. Most offer flexible options that enable you to change settings for different days of the week, weekends and holidays.
  • Install occupancy sensors in hallways, bathrooms, meeting rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, and other areas where lights can be shut off for blocks of time.
  • Install photocells in outdoor entry, and security lighting to automatically sense outdoor lighting levels which turn on and off automatically.
  • Install light emitting diode (L.E.D.) exit signs in place of incandescent signs. L.E.D. signs last up to 15 times longer, and use much less energy.
  • When changing interior lighting, use energy efficient fluorescent T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts.
  • If you lease equipment, insist on energy efficient models to lower your operating costs. Check out our $mart Business lighting rebate program for small businesses. You may qualify for rebates on some of the above items.

5. Change Energy Usage Behavior
Significant energy savings can be achieved by simply changing how you and your employees use energy. Some of the fastest and easiest ways to save money typically cost little or nothing. If all of these simple suggestions are implemented, you could reduce your energy costs considerably.

  • Turn off lights, computers, and other office equipment when they are not in use. Have a procedure to ensure these items are switched off overnight and on weekends. Consider installing reminder labels.
  • Lower your heater thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting when your business is occupied. Set the temperature back further when the business is unoccupied.
  • In warmer months, raise your air conditioner thermostat to the highest comfortable setting. There should be at least five degrees F between heating and cooling set points.
  • Set back or turn off heating or air conditioning, a little while before the end of your operating hours. (Remember to maintain some heating in winter to prevent pipes from freezing.)
  • Let the sunshine warm your office during colder months by opening drapes or blinds. Close them at night to retain heat.
  • Remember to turn off outside safety and security lighting at the start of each day.
  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent heat loss during winter or loss of cool air in summer. However, you may wish to keep doors and windows open to provide ventilation, instead of using air conditioning in summer.

6. Routine Maintenance
Maintenance of energy-consuming equipment is critical to ensuring optimum energy efficiency. Many maintenance items do not require specialized training and can be done yourself. Here are some key items to incorporate into your business maintenance routine.

  • Check to be sure all automatic controls are set and operating correctly.
  • Clean all filters in your heating and cooling system monthly.
  • Check and regularly clean filters if you use exhaust fans.
  • Caulk or weatherstrip any drafty doors or windows.
  • Remove unneeded light bulbs or use lower wattage bulbs.
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with screw-in energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs as appropriate.
  • Lower your water heater thermostat. Washington State law requires all new water heaters to be preset at 120 degrees F for safety.
  • Adjust outdoor lighting timer controls to accommodate daylight savings time changes, or install photocells to adjust automatically to changes in the season.
  • T-8 fluorescent tubes (1-inch diameter) last longer than the older T-12 lamps. You do not need to replace them as frequently as T-12’s. When you do replace them, be sure to buy case-lots from lighting supply companies to save money.
  • Regularly clean and maintain food refrigeration equipment where applicable.

Reasons To Hire A Professional Janitorial Service

All facility owners and managers know that keeping a facility or facilities clean is very hard work. There are 3 main factors to consider when choosing to bring in a professional janitorial service:

  1. Cost in Money â€“ Money is always a consideration whether you have a razor thin budget or are flush with cash. Cash you save can always be used on other things you need.
  2. Cost in Resources â€“ Time, Energy, and Stress are some of the main resources spent while cleaning your facility. Calls and complaints made because of a dirty or under maintained facility will result in wastes of your time and energy while it increases your stress level.
  3. Cost Of Improperly Maintaining Your Facility â€“ If you don’t keep your facility maintained you can lose tenants or customers, not to mention the decline in the value of your asset.

The Cost of Going It Alone

When budgets get thin, some business owners and managers try to handle maintenance on their own. This is a successful strategy for only very few companies because most company’s management teams already have a full plate. Managing maintenance can quickly be pushed aside for more pressing issues. Since most managers and owners don’t have much experience with the cleaning industry, they could be leaving themselve open to potential problems that come home to roost later. Owners and manager who decide to go it alone are basically opening up a janitorial service within their own business, so in most cases the total cost of cleaning and maintenance would be lower if they elected to use a Kansas City janitorial service such as Elite Clean Co. Bringing in a professional janitorial service will allow businesses and their employees to concentrate on their core business and their bottom lines.

  • Most janitorial service firms, like Elite Clean Co, can buy the cleaning supplies and paper products at a significant savings since they purchase them in bulk
  • Business owners and Office Manager won’t need to purchase cleaning equipment or maintain it
  • A janitorial service firm like Elite Clean Co manages and pays their own team members, proving less employee welfare expense risk and less headaches for their clients

Finding the Right Kansas City Janitorial Service

Some of the factors you need to weigh when selecting a commercial cleaning company are the level of service, trust, professionalism, responsiveness and the cost.

Size matters. Your facility can become one little account to a huge national commercial cleaning company. Not a very good position of leverage for most smaller facilities. On the flip side if you choose a commercial cleaning company that is too small or too green you could receive less than desirable service. You’re best bet is a locally owned and professionally run janitorial company that has been around for awhile and has a good reputation. These companies will have all the systems and procedures in place that many larger janitorial service companies have but also be more responsiveness to your needs.

It All Comes Down To…

  • Transparent Pricing â€“ Sets the tone for a positive working relationship and everyone is on the same page.
  • Responsive Service â€“ All companies make mistakes but the good companies provide timely and responsive service when they do.
  • Quality People â€“ The best cleaning companies find, train, and reward their employees. In turn the employees stay with the company long term

What To Expect From A High Quality Kansas City Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial Company

When you’re running a business, you will almost certainly be forced to consider how you are going to keep your facilities & office clean and professional looking, for the benefit of both both the staff that work for you and also for your customers. Unless you’re considering cleaning your office yourself every weekend (we have several clients who USED to do this), you may be wondering what benefit a commercial office cleaning services could be to you.

First and foremost, our job as the premier Kansas City commercial cleaning & janitorial company is to remove the pressure of cleaning your office from you. Every client we have has shared with us the relief they feel about no longer dreading cleaning their office themselves or by their staff.  You have enough stress involved in running your business and spending time with your clients.  Our clients have discovered that the amount of money they pay for our service is well worth the peace of mind they have knowing their office will be thoroughly cleaned on time and they don’t have to do it. This peace of mind should be one of the main deliverables from any Kansas City commercial cleaning company you hire…it certainly is with Elite Clean Co!

Second, any high quality Kansas City commercial cleaning company should be aware that their work is a reflection of you and your business. When new clients or visitors come to your office, often the cleanliness and tidiness will be one of the first things they notice. First impressions are everything, and even though it may not be the “right thing” to do, customers and visitors to your office will judge the quality of your business based on how clean your office is. If there are dust bowls in the corner of your office and your floors are filthy, customers and visitors will notice. Any Kansas City commercial cleaning company you hire should be mindful that through the quality of their service, they represent you and, right or wrong, the quality of your business. If you don’t feel like you would be happy being represented by a commercial cleaning company you are considering hiring, don’t hire them!

Third, any Kansas City commercial cleaning or janitorial company should be more than willing to schedule cleaning sessions around your schedule and the office availability. Sometimes you may need the cleaning team to be on site for the whole of the day, whereas others might only want somebody on a weekly basis. Whichever is the case for you, any commercial cleaning and janitorial service worth hiring will be able to work with you to come up with a timetable that is convenient for you and your staff.

It is clear to see how hiring a high quality Kansas city commercial cleaning and janitorial service could be just what you and your business needs. There is significant benefit in having the peace of mind that your office will be cleaned thoroughly, on time, and at times & days convenient to your schedule.  Please consider allowing Elite Clean Co the opportunity to create that kind of relationship with you and your staff.  Invite us out to meet you and your staff and let us prepare a custom bid to represent you and your business through out commercial office cleaning service. We may be reached at (913) 713-9579 anytime. We look forward to visiting soon!

Include Windows In Your Office Cleaning Routine

Interior and exterior window care is often overlooked but should be an important part of your office cleaning program. Smudges, streaks, fingerprints, dirt and salt can make a clean office look dirty. Regular window and glass cleaning will not only brighten the appearance of your office and boost your company’s image, but less window grime allows more natural light in.

Thorough top-to-bottom cleaning of your interior windows and glass can really add that extra sparkle to your office. No matter what size or shape windows you have, Elite Clean Co can make them shine! Even those hard to reach windows are no problem.

Because they are exposed to the outdoor elements, exterior windows need extra attention on a regular basis. Don’t think the rain will clean your windows!  Rain water, snow, road salt, water runoff and sprinklers can cause major streaks and spottiness. Hard water can leave mineral deposits and stains on windows that look like a whitish, spotty haze. If left alone, the sun can make these spots very difficult to remove, and over time your windows will develop a deeper cloudiness. Regular cleaning will keep buildup at bay and your windows clear.

Landscaping and trees can also contribute to filthy windows. If your office is on the ground floor, chances are grass, dirt and mud can get splattered on windows after landscapers cut grass or trim bushes near your offices. Higher floors are just as susceptible. Wind and rain can cause dirt and leaves to get stuck on upper windows and sills resulting in a grungy look to your building.

Keeping the Office Kitchen Clean

Working with others in an office environment can be productive and enjoyable, and you can build lasting relationships with the people with whom you work. Sharing a common area such as a break room or kitchen can pose some problems, however, if the area is not kept clean. Many times, germs and sicknesses can spread through the workplace kitchen because of the lack of cleanliness. People are often in a hurry at work and do not stop to take the time to clean up after they’ve eaten lunch or a snack. This is why it is very important that all employees pitch in and work together to ensure that everyone has a safe, clean place to eat and take a break. Often, employees become sick because of germs that have spread from person to person at work.

In most cases, people bring items for lunch into work and leave them in the refrigerator, only to forget about them, and they sit for weeks and even months without being thrown away. If you bring in food and do not eat it within the work week, either throw it out or bring it back home. This not only makes sure the refrigerator does not get overloaded, but it helps prevent the food from rotting and smelling up the refrigerator. If you bring in dry goods like crackers or chips, be sure to store them in cabinets or under the sink and not on countertops. Keeping the kitchen counters clutter-free is not only cleaner, but it is much more polite than crowding them with your personal food items. If you use plates, forks, spoons, or cups from the workplace kitchen, wash all dishes immediately after you use them with soap and hot water and dry them thoroughly. Make sure to put all dishes and cups away to avoid excess clutter.

Many people enjoy warming up a hot lunch in the company’s kitchen microwave. Food can splatter if a lid is not left on while heating it, so make sure the microwave is wiped down and cleaned thoroughly after each use. Leaving behind a dirty microwave for the next user is not only rude but also very unsanitary. Wipe down countertops as well with a clean paper towel or pre-moistened antibacterial wipes if you’ve placed food on them or spilled something on them. Never leave food out on the table if it is not being eaten, and make sure to also throw out discarded fast-food cups and containers. If you spill something on the floor, clean it up immediately and make sure the floor is dry to avoid slipping hazards. Always wash your hands with soap and hot water before and after eating to help avoid spreading germs.

Communicating about keeping the kitchen clean with your coworkers is very important, and it helps to keep everyone accountable. If you see someone who is making a mess or not cleaning up after themselves properly, ask them politely to try and clean up after they are done eating in the company break room or kitchen. If you see the behavior continue, talk to your supervisor about the problem. Signs posted in the break room, in hallways, or on company bulletin boards can be helpful reminders to everyone about the kitchen rules. Once a standard set of rules for cleanliness is put in place, it should help keep things running smoothly and help to ensure that the eating areas are sanitary for all to use. Pitch in if you see others who need help with cleaning, and offer to do things like empty trash cans or clean up coffee makers. By working together, everyone can ensure that the kitchen at work is a safe, clean place to eat. This will also help to minimize people getting sick and makes for a much happier place of employment for all.

4 Common Challenges That Arise From Office Cleaning

Customer complaints are inevitable in any business. Most often, the overlooking of the smallest, but important detail is enough to damage or end a business relationship with a customer. This is especially true when referring to the janitorial industry. Attention to detail is a must. The best Kansas City commercial cleaning companies know the importance of always being two steps ahead. Those that excel, tackle problems even before a customer has the chance to notice something was wrong to begin with.

However, because office cleaning is not an exact science, hiccups and complaints are bound to present themselves along the way. On occasion, you as a customer may ask yourself, why did the cleaner miss such an obvious task?

Here is some insight as to what the most common complaints are and how to deal with them.


Who knew such a simple object could become such a headache? More often than some, trash is thrown away in the incorrect container, or in the wrong place altogether. Make sure your cleaning schedule specifically mentions where trash should be thrown away and if recycling need be considered. Also, if applicable, don’t forget to give cleaners access to dumpsters or trash sites to avoid excuses.


Often overlooked, the presence of spider webs and dust bunnies is a nuance that can easily be prevented by your commercial cleaning company. If you begin to notice them in corners or behind plants, voice your concern immediately. Even though it need not be specified in your cleaning agreement, spider webs and dust bunnies should not pop up and, unfortunately in most cases, are the result of poor sweeping and dusting.


Dust on computers and surfaces is another of the most frequent customer complaints. An unknown fact hover is that many cleaners will not dust a desk unless it is cleared off by the customer, as any moved objects may cause a complaint. Advise employees to clear their desks before they leave if they wish to have their surfaces thoroughly dusted.


Objects being moved and not being placed back in its proper position is by far the most common cause for concern amongst customers when it comes to office cleaning. Instruct your janitorial company that under no circumstance should a cleaner move an object.


Your office cleaning schedule is your most powerful weapon, it clearly outlines your needs and the company’s responsibilities. Remember, what may seem basic to you, as with moved objects, may need be clearly stated in your cleaning schedule. If there are specific tasks you require, make sure it is included.

Most important of all communication is key, never hold back on a concern. All complaints, whether they simple or urgent, must always be handled immediately and efficiently by your janitorial company. If you notice a lack of communication, or are constantly finding yourself having to remind cleaners that trash was dumped in the incorrect bin, it may be time to move on and find yourself a new janitorial company.

How Office Odors Affect Your Bottom Line

Office odors are unpleasant, but did you realize they can have a negative affect on your company’s profits? The Sense of Smell Institute conducts research to help business owners and facilities managers better understand the powerful effects that the human sense of smell has on consumer purchasing decisions. If customers are confronted at the front door with a blast of malodor, they may forever remember your business as “that place that smelled like leftover fish,” choosing instead to patronize one of your less odiferous competitors.

Interesting Facts about the Human Sense of Smell

The sense of smell, more than any other of the senses, is directly linked to the memory and emotion centers of the brain. Smells affect people on a profound, often subconscious level. Think about how much the automotive industry relies on “new car” scent. Real estate professionals know that vanilla and cinnamon are effective for persuading home buyers to choose the homes they are selling. The powerful influence that smell exerts on purchasing decisions has created an entire industry based around “scent marketing.”

The Office Odors You May Not Notice

Prolonged exposure to a certain smell, especially an unpleasant one, causes the human smell receptors to shut down, making you unable to smell the odor. This is bad news for the business owner, because your clients have not had the opportunity to become immune to the smell. In the office setting, the most commonly reported odors are moldy or musty smells, strongly scented chemicals (including cleaning products), stale or spoiled foods and human body odor. Although you may have become immune to the accountant’s garlicky leftovers, your customers aren’t so fortunate. While the clerk with poor hygiene practices may be a sore spot for your HR department, you may not realize that your customers take issue as well.

Sniffing Out Off-Putting Odors

Believe it or not, you can hire expert odor sniffers — consultants with extremely sensitive abilities — to detect malodorous conditions. If that strikes you as overkill, experts recommend asking trusted friends or family members to drop by later in the day and give your office the “sniff test.” (The human sense of smell becomes more sensitive as the day wears on.) Request their first impressions as they walk through the office. You may disagree with their perceptions, but it’s likely your potential customers detect similar odors. Another excellent resource for rooting out and eradicating unpleasant odors in your facility is your cleaning company. Invite your account manager to drop by and evaluate the office air quality, then recommend strategies for mitigating any bad odors. Consider also adding a professional air freshener system in your office or facility to ensure a consistently pleasant customer experience.

Don’t put your company’s profitability at risk over office odors. Elite Clean Co understands the importance of offering your customers a sanitary and pleasant environment. Contact us today for help in tackling your unpleasant office odors.

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    Contact Us 24/7

    Requesting a quote is easy!  You can either fill out the form or call us at (913) 713-9579.  A friendly voice will assist you with setting up a time to meet and discuss your situation! Here at Elite Clean Co we pride ourselves in providing you with the highest quality cleaning services that Kansas City has to offer.  We provide you with free estimates and a one on one consultation to better understand exactly what you are looking for in your cleaning company.

    We Work Around Your Schedule!

    For more information please email or call us today! We will respond quickly and be glad to help with you any questions that you may have. If you are slightly outside our coverage area or have a request for a service that you do not see on our list, call anyway! Will will do our best to accommodate any reasonable request. We pride ourselves in being the best service and bringing you the best value for your money. Where the other cleaning companies fail, we succeed!