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How To Clean & Disinfect Your Workplace Computer Keyboard

Keyboard cleaning should be a regular part of your company’s strategy to keep your facilities spotless. According to a study at the University of Arizona, office workers are exposed to more germs from their computer keyboards than toilet seats. While this may sound rather improbable, the reality of the matter is that our desks are bacteria cafeterias with office keyboards harboring enough bacteria beneath the keys to get your employees sick.

With that little tidbit of information, you might want to consider cleaning and disinfecting your keyboard regularly by hiring a reputable commercial janitorial services company, particularly if your employees share keyboards and mouse.

Here are five steps that our experienced janitors have laid on how to thoroughly clean your keyboard:

Turn Off the Computer and Unplug the Keyboard
Before beginning any cleaning activity, shut down the computer and ensure that all electrical sources are turned off. Don’t forget to unplug the computer too. Doing so will not only protect you from the risk of electrocution but will also prevent any moisture from frying the hardware as well as avoid any damage to the machine. It will also prevent you from entering dozens of commands and keystrokes in an open document or software as you clean.

Remove Loose Crumbs and Debris
Most people eat while they work, at times some food debris and spilled drinks may accumulate in the dark recesses beneath the keys. These food crumbs and debris combined with dirt and dust can create an excellent breeding ground for bacteria as well as stop keys from working altogether. To clean your keyboard, simply remove loose crumbs and debris by turning your keyboard upside down and then gently tapping and shaking it. Alternatively you can use a can of compressed air to knock loose debris and dirt pieces out of the keyboard spaces.

Clean and Disinfect the Keys
Depending on how much of time you are willing to devote to the task, you can use two options. If you are short of time, you can use wipes treated in isopropyl alcohol solution to go over each key, both on top and sides. The purpose of Isopropyl alcohol solution is to rid the keyboard of germs and bacteria.

This step should be utilized on a regular basis particularly when the user gets over cold or other illnesses. The other choice you can use is to remove all the keys using a blunt object and washing them in a solution. However, for commercially clean keyboards, it is vital to hire experienced janitorial services to prevent damaging or discoloring the keyboards.

Clean the Keyboard Trenches
Now that the keys are removed, it is easier to clean the hidden dirt and dust out. You can use your can of compressed air to drive out the dust or alternatively use a gentle vacuum to suck off the dirt. Dunk a piece of cotton wool into a solution of isopropyl alcohol and disinfect the inner surfaces of the keyboard.

Re-assemble the Keyboard

After ensuring that the keys are completely dry, pop them back into place. Each key should snap back into place after applying a little amount of pressure. Since you might forget where some of the keys go, you can consult your keyboard maps or simply leave the job to a janitorial professional.

While some these steps are simple, most of them are simple and require the services of a janitorial professional. If you need commercial cleaning services in the greater Kansas City area, please contact Elite Clean Co today and we will help you keep your employees healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Clean you keyboard thoroughly at least once a year. During the winter months you should clean it more often because of the flu and other colds that are passed around the office.
  • Prevent the growth of germs, don’t eat at your keyboard.
  • Invest in a keyboard plastic cover. These are typically molded to the shape of your keyboard and can extend the life of them significantly.
  • If you are sick wipe your keyboard down after each use to prevent the spread of germs.

Office Carpet Cleaning Ideas And Tips

Regular carpet cleaning not just ensures you a healthy life but also prolongs the life of your carpet. No matter how much money you have spent while installing carpet, without a touch of care, your carpet will certainly get deteriorated pretty soon.

A clean carpet can add value to your home, can help in getting rid of pollutants, allergens, bacteria, and keep your office odor free. One process, several benefits – Isn’t it worth trying? So, let’s look at some of the quickest yet effective carpet cleaning tips that can help you win this battle.

Don’t love spills!

Spills, such as tea, coffee, milk should be removed right after the mini accident. This is because, if you do it early, your carpet cleaning solution can collect most of the liquid before it soaks in. In other words, a quick treatment can keep your carpet from stubborn stains. But, resist the temptation to rub as it can only make the case even worse.

 Vacuuming, obvious but always!

Whenever you are treating your carpet with some cleaning solutions or washing the entire surface, make sure you vacuum any surface debris. It will make your cleaning process a lot easier – it stops your carpet washer from getting clogged up. Say, if you have organized a Christmas party at your home, stuffs like pine needles and tinsel can play havoc with your cleaner.

Cleaning solution – Not an experimental thing

Though trying some unknown cleaning chemical (other than the manufacturer’s recommendations) seems tempting many times, this is the first thing that you need to avoid. These chemicals can damage your carpet and even invalidate its warranty.

Appropriate cleaning solutions that are specially designed for your carpet will not produce excessive foam, hamper the color or leave any sticky residues, which can later invite more dirt. These chemicals can handle high-traffic areas and think about the allergy sufferers. So basically there are only two types of cleaners you can rely on. First, the one suggested by the manufacturer. Second, there is no second.

While using the cleaner for the first time, make sure that you try out in a small surface where it is not easily visible. This will help in stopping some sad possibilities like color fading or other such issues.

Start furthest from the door:

It is pretty obvious that you need to start carpet cleaning from the corner furthest away from the door and work back towards the door. This means, you don’t have to walk on damp surfaces ruining your entire cleaning purpose.

Never over-soak:

Your carpet has certain saturation point. So, never soak the carpet above the point. Till the saturation point, your carpet won’t take longer time to dry.  But after that, it takes much more time to dry and your entire cleaning process may seem ineffective. Further, if you lay your carpet without drying properly it can lead to moisture. The moisture can only create a sad story. One ideal way to get rid of moisture would be opening doors and windows. They can help big time in speeding up the drying process. Apart from it, you can turn on your heater on a low setting.

Treat stubborn stains:

You can handle all the stubborn stains and high-traffic areas with some special yet simple methods. You can use a wash tool or hose on the surface as it will give a more thorough cleaning effect. If possible, try to pre-treat the areas before applying the wash tool to scrub. You might come across some oily stains that demand more than just a single application. For such cases, you need to do your homework a bit.

Lower Office Water Consumption Equals Lower Office Expenses

Almost 40% of the US will be experiencing some kind of drought this year.

While water conditions and restriction in California are making headline news, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, as of the end of March 2015, 36.8 percent of the contiguous United States were experiencing moderate to severe drought conditions.

More drought stricken states will be following California’s lead in mandating a 25% reduction in water consumption by both residents and businesses.

So how do commercial facilities – light industrial manufacturing, office buildings, schools, medical, etc. – reduce water consumption by one-fourth?

While it may take a little time, ingenuity, and some cost, according to the Pacific Institute, which conducts research on environment and sustainability issues, it can be done… and potentially easier than expected and in the long term will lower office expenses.

The Institute recommends the following five steps that can help reduce water consumption by about 25 percent, if not more:

  1. Fix Leaks: Repairing leaking fixtures and pipes can save five to as much as ten percent of the water consumed in a commercial facility.
  2. Retrofit: Old or inefficient restroom fixtures should be retrofitted to reduce water consumption. According to the Institute, the average toilet uses 2.8 gallons of water per flush (GPF). This is more than double the 1.28 GPF of a high-efficient toilet. Older toilets use 3-6 gallons! The average worker uses the toilet 3-6 times per day.
  3. Replace: With some restroom fixtures such as urinals, it may be more water and cost efficient to replace the unit rather than retrofit. Of the 12 million urinals installed in the U.S., 65% use more than 1.0 to as much as 3 GPF. Replacing these with water-efficient urinals can save facilities about 4,000 GPF per urinal annually. Replacing these with waterless urinals can save 35,000 gallons per urinal annually.
  4. Recycling: Many industrial users now use potable (drinkable) water in manufacturing. Using recycled and retreated water can scale back water use considerably with little impact on operations.
  5. Cooling: Related to this, cooling systems can be adjusted to recycle more water, again reducing consumption substantially.

The Truth About Washing Your Hands

As a longstanding, highly sought after Kansas City commercial cleaning company, we have seen it all in the offices and buildings that we clean. From sinks that haven’t been properly cleaned in years to carpets that have seemingly never been vacuumed, we’ve found some very unsavory workplaces over the years.

With these conditions present in more offices than you might think, we’ve become concerned about how employees are dealing with these situations. The first thought is that an office in this condition would be more conducive to germs spreading and thus employees getting sick more often, but really, that all depends on if employees are washing their hands.

Germs don’t just dwell in dirt and dust, but instead are most often spread from person to person and surface to surface via hand to mouth transmission. What are the best ways to prevent this transmission?

  1. Disinfecting surfaces in your office at least once a week. (If you don’t have time for it, let our office cleaning service do it for you!)
  2. Making sure your employees wash their hands every time they’re in the bathroom.

You might think that your employees already know well enough to wash their hands, but you might be surprised by the findings of a recent study conducted by Michigan State University. Here are some of the startling findings:

  • Just 5% of all bathroom-goers wash their hands properly once they’re finished
  • Around 10% of people don’t wash their hands at all after using the bathroom
  • 33% of people were found to use no soap
  • If the sink is dirty, there’s less likelihood that a person will wash his or her hands
  • Early in the day, good hygiene is more prevalent
  • Encouraging signs to wash hands are helpful and increase the rate and length of hand washing in public bathrooms

So what can you do to help prevent the spread of germs in your office or business? First of all, you’ll want to get a sign that encourages hand washing and make sure your employees know the proper method of doing so. (Using antibacterial soap, wash and scrub for just 15 to 20 seconds for clean, germ-free hands. Unfortunately, researchers found, most people wash their hands for just 6 seconds!) Washing your hands can keep you healthy.

Finally, you’ll want to ensure that the surfaces in your office or retail business are being scrubbed and disinfected regularly. If you do not have your own employee designated to doing the janitorial cleaning, you’ll want to call Elite Clean Co, Kansas City’s best cleaning company.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Clean Your Allergies Away

Allergy season is upon us. We can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, until that familiar tingling in the nose sets in. For those who also suffer from severe allergies and/or asthma, this is a particularly difficult and dangerous time of the year. In some cases, allergies to spring’s pollens and dust can turn into allergic rhinitis, sinus infection, and for asthmatics serious breathing trouble. You don’t have to seal yourself into a bubble, however, to avoid the discomfort of spring allergies. Keep things clean and fresh and be surprised at the difference it makes.

Allergy-proof Your Cleaning Products

Before you dive into your spring-cleaning, it’s important to look at what you use to clean first. This might surprise you, but your cleaning products could actually be causing your allergic reaction more than seasonal allergies. Studies show that perfumes can trigger allergies in some people and are definitely bad news for asthmatics, so dump the air fresheners, scented detergents, furniture polish, everything, and opt for natural, unscented cleaners instead.

Scent isn’t the only thing that might be irritating to you and your family. Certain ingredients that were once thought as fantastic for cleaning are also detrimental to those suffering from seasonal allergies and asthmatics. Even if you do have unscented cleaners, check the labels for ammonia, bleach, calcium hypochlorite, chlorine, D-limonene, formaldehyde, sodium hypochlorite, and sodium lauryl sulphate. Don’t be surprised if your cleaning products fail to list the ingredients, and if they do, turn them in during your city’s next hazardous waste collection.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, there are plenty of simple, affordable, and natural cleaning options out there that will clean, sanitize, and freshen your home without harsh allergy-inducing chemicals. If you don’t want to purchase natural cleaners, make your own using ingredients such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemons, olive oil, salt, and white vinegar.

Clean Your Allergies Away

Once you’ve removed the irritants from your cleaning supplies, it’s time to clean. As you know, pollens and dust multiply exponentially in the spring and summer months. This is in part due to everything blooming and in part due to your doors and windows being open. Cleaning tasks that could have been put on hold in the winter cannot be set aside in spring, particularly if you are suffering from allergies. It’s time to roll your sleeves up, put on a mask if cleaning exacerbates your allergies, and follow these tips:

  • Start outside. It does you no good to clean the inside of your home from top to bottom if dirt and pollen is going to be tracked in from the outside, particularly if you have carpeting to trap the irritants. Keep your driveway, walkways, front porch, and patios swept clean to avoid additional dust being tracked or blown into your house.
  • Reduce your clutter. Speaking of dust, there is no better dust trap than a ton of knick-knacks, bookshelves full of books, boxes everywhere, magazines, newspapers, piles of clothes… I could go on. If your house is cluttered, it’s dusty, not to mention a lot harder to clean. Reduce your clutter to avoid dust traps. You don’t want the dust and you definitely don’t want the mites.
  • Replace mattress covers and pillowcases. Speaking of dust mites, replace your mattress covers and pillowcases with dust-proof covering. It’s also wise to replace your bedding with hypoallergenic, natural options to ensure that your allergies are not being triggered at night during your sleep. The same goes for your blankets and comforters.
  • Wash them weekly. Aside from protecting your mattress and pillows from dust mites, you should also wash your sheets and pillowcases weekly in your washing machine’s hot cycle, and your blankets and comforters monthly. Use unscented, hypoallergenic, biodegradable laundry detergent and soften your bedding naturally with white vinegar or baking soda.
  • Don’t dry outside. It admittedly saves energy to avoid using your dryer and air-dry your laundry, but as your linens and clothing are sun drying, they are also picking up pollen from the air. When your allergies kick up, dry everything in the dryer using the lowest heat setting possible to save energy, and skip dryer sheets – those are all kinds of trouble, including causing allergic reactions.
  • Trap the dust. Speaking of the dust and pollen outside, you need to trap the dust and pollen inside while cleaning; otherwise, it’ll just be released into the air and settle onto your floors, furniture, and dĂŠcor. Use damp clothes to wipe everything down instead of dry dusting, and make sure your vacuum has a good HEPA filter that traps dust instead of kicking it into the air.
  • Watch for mold. Keep your kitchen, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and any other area in your home where there is moisture as dry and clean as possible to avoid mold growth. Mold is a primary allergen and can be extremely hazardous to everyone’s health, particularly if you or a family member suffers from asthma. Air out damp environments and keep them clean.
  • Do this weekly. You might be able to clean your house bi-monthly or monthly in the winter, but you won’t be able to in the spring and summer. Perform all of the steps above weekly to ensure that you are keeping dust and pollen down to a minimum, and vacuum at least twice a week; if you notice the house becoming dirty prior to your weekly schedule, clean earlier to avoid unnecessary irritation.

If you find after practicing these cleaning tips that your allergies aren’t getting any better, you may have to take drastic steps, such as redoing your flooring, curtains, and blinds to avoid allergy triggers like carpeting and heavy drapes that cannot be washed regularly. You might also have to keep your doors and windows shut and run your air-conditioning instead of allowing fresh, yet pollen-laden, air inside. I hope you don’t have to do this, because a beautiful spring day needs to come into your home. Either way, ease your seasonal allergies by keeping everything clean and dust-free.

Keeping Your Office Restrooms Clean & Sanitary

Sanitary restrooms are a must in the workplace, especially if your customers visit your location. Likewise, when co-workers must share a bathroom, it is essential to maintain a clean, pleasant environment. After all, who wants to walk in and find paper towels all over the floor or worse, an unpleasant mess in the stall? Check out the following tips to ensure that will help you keep your office restrooms clean, sanitary and in great condition.

Treat the Restroom and Co-workers with Respect

Dropping toilet paper on the floor or leaving puddles around the sink area isn’t acceptable at home, and it is no more tolerable at work. It is essential for all employees to respect their co-workers by treating the restroom as if it were their own at home. This means always flushing, discarding trash and cleaning up soap and water spills. For sanitary restrooms, everyone needs to leave the area clean after use. It is a good idea for office workers to set some ground rules regarding bathroom cleanliness so that this is consistently accomplished.

Establish Employee Policies for Restroom Maintenance

You’ve probably seen the signs people post in the office kitchen that say, “Your mother does not work here. Clean up after yourself!” This goes double for the shared workplace restroom, especially if it’s a unisex facility. Important considerations include keeping the paper towels stocked, the soap dispenser full and the bathroom tissue ever-present. Invest in a small storage cabinet to keep extra supplies close by but out of sight. A covered trash can is also important for maintaining a clean, neat image. Make sure to replace lightbulbs when they burn out as well. Finally, invest in an air freshener system so that the restroom is always pleasant to visit.

Schedule Proper Restroom Maintenance

To keep your office bathroom sanitary for everyone, implement routine upkeep procedures. Although you can put staff members in charge of keeping the restroom clean and looking good, that may not be the best use of their time. Also, your employees may not take well to those particular tasks. Working with an experienced cleaning company is the best way to handle this aspect of facility maintenance, because company employees need to handle their own work, not scrub toilets and mop floors. Professional office cleaners can make sure that the entire restroom is clean and germ-free, well stocked with products and putting forth a great image on your behalf. It is, however, a good idea to ask employees to notify management or the janitorial company of problems or malfunctions in the restroom. Not only do broken sinks or toilets make it difficult to keep a restroom clean, but they can also cause slips and falls or employee accidents.

Sharing a restroom with co-workers doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. Contact the Kansas City commercial cleaning experts at Elite Clean Co to discuss your office cleaning needs. We will handle everything to ensure that your company always has clean and sanitary restrooms.

Cleaning The Green Way

Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes and offices: on dishes, countertops, furniture, clothes, floors, windows, and floating through the air. In our war on dirt and germs we may often actually be making things worse.

Most of the conventional cleaning products we all grew up with are petroleum-based and have dubious health and environmental implications. Instead of opting for cleaning products that annihilate everything in their path, there are plenty of natural products and methods that keep a house clean and fresh-smelling without the toxic side effects.

Top Green Cleaning Tips

Employ green cleaning products

As the health and environmental impacts of conventional cleaning products become more thoroughly understood, more and more brands of healthy, green, and effective cleaning products have started hitting the market and competing for that coveted place of honor under your sink. Many of these products are non-toxic, biodegradable, and made from renewable resources (not petroleum). But if designer labels aren’t for you, home-mixed cleaners can get the job done and then some. Vinegar and baking soda can be used to clean almost anything. Mix in a little warm water with either of these and you’ve got yourself an all-purpose cleaner.

Avoid poor indoor air quality

It is not uncommon for the air inside a home or office to be more toxic than the air outside. This is because of the presence of toxic materials and substances and the fact that homes and buildings are better insulated than ever before (which is a good thing from an energy standpoint). Keeping windows open as often as possible allows fresh air in and keeps toxins flowing out. This is especially important when cleaning your home.

Be careful with antibacterial cleaners

The antibacterial and antimicrobial ‘cleaners’ that many people think are necessary, especially during cold season, don’t clean hands better than soap and water, and also add to the risk of breeding “super germs,” bacteria that survive the chemical onslaught and have resistant offspring. The FDA has found that antibacterial soaps and hand cleansers do not work better than regular soap and water, and should be avoided.

Help your office smell baking soda-licious

Baking soda not only removes those strange smells coming from your fridge, it’s also a great odor-eliminator for your carpet. Just sprinkle on a little baking soda to soak up some of those odors and then vacuum it up.

Clean your indoor air naturally

Skip the store-bought air fresheners and instead try boiling cinnamon, cloves, or any other herbs you have a fondness for. Fresh chocolate chip cookies also have been known to create a friendly aroma. Also, plants may not make your house smell different but are good for filtering interior air–pretty much any broad green leaf plant will do. Peace Lilies are a favorite choice.

Toss toxic cleaners carefully

When replacing your cleaning products, don’t just throw the old ones in the trash. If they’re too toxic for your home, they won’t be good for the drain or the landfill either. Many communities hold toxics & electronics recycling days and will take all of these off your hands. Throwing chemicals in the trash or down the drain means they might end up back in your water supply and come back to haunt you.

Avoid conventional dry cleaners

Conventional dry cleaners are the largest users of the industrial solvent called Perchloroethylene, or perc, which is toxic to humans and also creates smog. The two most common green drycleaning methods are carbon dioxide cleaning and Green Earth. Seek out cleaners that use green methods. If you do take clothes to conventional cleaners, be sure to air them outside before wearing them or putting them in the closet.

Leave the toxins at the door

Imagine what’s on your shoes at the end of the day. Bringing that oil, antifreeze, animal waste, particulate pollution, pollen, and who knows what else into the house is not good news, especially for kids and other critters that spend time on floor level. Keep the sidewalk out of your home with a good doormat or a shoeless house policy. Many green buildings now include entryway track-off systems as a means of maintaining a healthy interior environment. Less dirt also means less sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming, which means less work, water, energy, and fewer chemicals.

Design with clean in mind

Designing houses and other building with cleanability in mind can create spaces that are cleaner, healthier, and require fewer substances to maintain. In larger buildings, good cleanability can also be a big money-saver as cleaning costs can often add up to as much as half of a building’s total energy costs.

Areas Missed By Most Commercial Cleaning Companies

All commercial cleaning companies are the same, right?

Well, not quite. Salesmen try to convince companies that they have the best commercial cleaning company on the market and go to great lengths to make them look like the best candidate.

Ultimately, it comes down to the people cleaning your building.  Do they have an extensive commercial cleaning background?  Are they familiar with what to do and who to contact when emergencies happen?

Most commercial cleaning companies hire employees with little or no background in cleaning and attempt to teach them the tricks of the trade in a couple of weeks.  Hiring employees with little to no experience results in lower wages and more profit for the cleaning company.  However, many areas will never be taught to the employee.  Here are some common areas that most commercial cleaning companies miss when cleaning offices.

1.  Bottom of the urinal

Men’s bathrooms normally have a reputation for smelling bad.  Most commercial cleaning companies will clean the mirrors, countertops, polish chrome accents, wipe down the toilets, and disinfect the front of the urinals.  When the smells persist, they resort to other measures, like urinal cakes or toilet deodorizes.  If you can still smell urine after these items have been installed, chances are that the janitors are not cleaning the flat surface directly under the curve at the base of the toilet?  Why aren’t they being cleaned?  Because the janitors simply can’t see them.  We toured a building recently with this issue and used a razor to scrape off about 1/8″ of dried, caked up urine from the bottom of the urinal.  The smell from the bathroom greatly improved overnight.  Even janitors with years of experience are proned to miss this area, but they should all be aware of it.  And the good ones will clean it and maintain it.

2.  Elevator Tracks

Most large office buildings have elevators and these elevators are generally used heavily.  Contracts typically specify that the elevators are to be cleaned each night, but the tracks typically get skipped.  Although very easy to clean, most janitors will skip cleaning these tracks because they don’t notice the amount of debris in them or they fear the loud buzzing sound the elevator makes when the doors are held open too long.  Cleaning elevator tracks typically involves spraying degreaser directly onto the track, then wiping side to side until the stains are gone.  Most commercial cleaners are either unaware, or unwilling, to clean this very simple area.

3.  Inside Microwaves

Most office buildings have break rooms, which in turn have microwaves.  Many times the outside of the microwave is simply wiped off, but the inside is skipped.  Why?  Many janitors feel that cleaning the interior of the microwave encourages workers not to cover their food, thereby causing more food buildup.  Cleaning the inside of microwaves is very easy, if you know the trick of the trade.  Fill up a coffee mug with water and heat it up for about 2 minutes.  Remove the mug, then use a de-greaser/disinfect to wipe out the microwave.  Heating up the water re-hydrates the food particles left in the microwave, which makes it easy to clean.

4.  Tops of Bathroom Stalls

Bathrooms seem to be the source of most office cleaning complaints.  Even if the bathrooms are being cleaned properly, many janitors forget to dust the tops of the bathroom stalls.  If these areas are not maintained regularly, an accumulation of dust will occur, causing extra dust to circulate throughout the bathroom.  Make sure to check the tops of the stalls in the bathroom for excessive dust.

Ask lots of questions of any company bidding your cleaning services.  Tell them you want to know the background and other offices that the new janitor has cleaned.  Check the references from the actual janitor, as well as the commercial cleaning company, before you decide on the right cleaning company to clean your office.

If you’re interested in visiting with Elite Clean Co about your commercial cleaning needs, give us a call at (913) 713-9579.

How To Cut Down Your Small Business Energy Bill

Small businesses use energy mostly for heating and cooling, lighting, office equipment, and any specialized machinery required for the business. Outlined below are six basic steps which a small business can take to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills.

1. Track your energy costs.
Take time to review your energy usage and understand how your business consumes energy.

2. Pay attention to how you use energy.
You and your employees can do a lot to save money simply by turning things off when they are not in use. Keep up on routine maintenance. By maintaining and cleaning equipment, you can ensure the safe and efficient operation of your energy consuming systems and appliances.

3. Troubleshoot problem areas.
If you suspect equipment is malfunctioning, running too long, or not operating properly, get it fixed quickly. Install more efficient equipment.

4. Invest in systems or appliances with high energy efficiency ratings.
New equipment and appliances offer opportunities for improved energy efficiency. If there is an added cost for high efficiency equipment, be sure to factor in savings from lower energy operation costs over the life of the appliance. Here are some suggestions that provide a good return on your investment:

  • Install automatic, programmable, set-back thermostats to control both heating and cooling. Most offer flexible options that enable you to change settings for different days of the week, weekends and holidays.
  • Install occupancy sensors in hallways, bathrooms, meeting rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, and other areas where lights can be shut off for blocks of time.
  • Install photocells in outdoor entry, and security lighting to automatically sense outdoor lighting levels which turn on and off automatically.
  • Install light emitting diode (L.E.D.) exit signs in place of incandescent signs. L.E.D. signs last up to 15 times longer, and use much less energy.
  • When changing interior lighting, use energy efficient fluorescent T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts.
  • If you lease equipment, insist on energy efficient models to lower your operating costs. Check out our $mart Business lighting rebate program for small businesses. You may qualify for rebates on some of the above items.

5. Change Energy Usage Behavior
Significant energy savings can be achieved by simply changing how you and your employees use energy. Some of the fastest and easiest ways to save money typically cost little or nothing. If all of these simple suggestions are implemented, you could reduce your energy costs considerably.

  • Turn off lights, computers, and other office equipment when they are not in use. Have a procedure to ensure these items are switched off overnight and on weekends. Consider installing reminder labels.
  • Lower your heater thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting when your business is occupied. Set the temperature back further when the business is unoccupied.
  • In warmer months, raise your air conditioner thermostat to the highest comfortable setting. There should be at least five degrees F between heating and cooling set points.
  • Set back or turn off heating or air conditioning, a little while before the end of your operating hours. (Remember to maintain some heating in winter to prevent pipes from freezing.)
  • Let the sunshine warm your office during colder months by opening drapes or blinds. Close them at night to retain heat.
  • Remember to turn off outside safety and security lighting at the start of each day.
  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent heat loss during winter or loss of cool air in summer. However, you may wish to keep doors and windows open to provide ventilation, instead of using air conditioning in summer.

6. Routine Maintenance
Maintenance of energy-consuming equipment is critical to ensuring optimum energy efficiency. Many maintenance items do not require specialized training and can be done yourself. Here are some key items to incorporate into your business maintenance routine.

  • Check to be sure all automatic controls are set and operating correctly.
  • Clean all filters in your heating and cooling system monthly.
  • Check and regularly clean filters if you use exhaust fans.
  • Caulk or weatherstrip any drafty doors or windows.
  • Remove unneeded light bulbs or use lower wattage bulbs.
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with screw-in energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs as appropriate.
  • Lower your water heater thermostat. Washington State law requires all new water heaters to be preset at 120 degrees F for safety.
  • Adjust outdoor lighting timer controls to accommodate daylight savings time changes, or install photocells to adjust automatically to changes in the season.
  • T-8 fluorescent tubes (1-inch diameter) last longer than the older T-12 lamps. You do not need to replace them as frequently as T-12’s. When you do replace them, be sure to buy case-lots from lighting supply companies to save money.
  • Regularly clean and maintain food refrigeration equipment where applicable.

4 Easy Ways To Maintain A Clean Office

Keeping a clean office can be hard.

Having an organized clean office space is essential for maximizing productivity, but keeping a clean office can be a job in itself. Every day the papers seem to add up, the garbage never gets taken care of and no one knows when the cleaning company is coming next. Don’t let your office clutter and mess get out of hand and follow some of these tips!

Entrance Mats: Be sure to keep the dirt and moisture out by protecting your office floors with a first line of defense, an entrance mat. Entrance mats collect dirt and moisture at the door so they are not tracked all over the office. Overtime you will save money and time spent hiring a carpet cleaning company.

Stay as Paperless as Possible: Paper is a resource that costs money and can create clutter. By sending an email rather than printing or storing files electronically in a computers folder system you can reduce clutter and increase desk space. By staying paperless your desk will be more open and will feel a lot more comfortable.

Schedule Cleaning Services: Why wait for your floors, carpets or windows to get dirty before contacting a commercial cleaning company or janitorial service? Call your local commercial cleaning company and they will be happy to work with you to create a schedule that fits your budget and keeps your office looking professional. A great choice for a high quality commercial cleaning company in Kansas City would be Elite Clean Co.

Be Critical of your Image: Put yourself in the eyes of your client and be critical of your office. Look around and reflect on everything your clients see and ask yourself what do my clients see and how does this affect my image. Remember a clean office boasts professionalism and this can go a long way in the eyes of your clients.

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    Requesting a quote is easy!  You can either fill out the form or call us at (913) 713-9579.  A friendly voice will assist you with setting up a time to meet and discuss your situation! Here at Elite Clean Co we pride ourselves in providing you with the highest quality cleaning services that Kansas City has to offer.  We provide you with free estimates and a one on one consultation to better understand exactly what you are looking for in your cleaning company.

    We Work Around Your Schedule!

    For more information please email or call us today! We will respond quickly and be glad to help with you any questions that you may have. If you are slightly outside our coverage area or have a request for a service that you do not see on our list, call anyway! Will will do our best to accommodate any reasonable request. We pride ourselves in being the best service and bringing you the best value for your money. Where the other cleaning companies fail, we succeed!