Elite Clean Co Kansas CityElite Clean Co Kansas City


What To Look For In A Commercial Cleaning Company

The owner or manager of an office building needs to have the best possible janitorial services in order to keep offices looking clean and professional. When a client walks into an office with a clean environment, he or she gets a favorable impression of the business. There are a few things that owners and managers of Texas buildings should consider when looking to hire a janitorial services provider. Here are a few examples.

An Expert Staff

In order to clean an office building in a thorough way, a janitorial staff must have the training and knowledge to get the job done right. Staff members must use the most effective cleaning solutions as well as have a collection of professional equipment to accomplish all of the required cleaning tasks. Janitorial management must employee a staff that arrives promptly and gets down to work.

Fulfillment of Duties

Owners and managers of office buildings in Texas want a variety of tasks done by a cleaning staff. A cleaning staff must comply with all of these requests. A team of employees should be assigned specific jobs so the work will be done in an efficient, timely manner.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning

Many of the individuals who own or manage office buildings want a janitorial management service that uses eco-friendly cleaning solutions. These owners and managers want both their employees and the people who visit their offices to be safe from the harmful chemicals used in many cleaning solutions. Eco-friendly cleaning products that clean in a thorough way while not utilizing chemicals that are harmful to the environment are a necessary feature to look for when hiring commercial cleaners.

All Questions Answered

Finally, when looking for a commercial cleaning service, office building owners and managers should search for a company that answers all of their questions. In fact, a commercial cleaning company should be more than happy to answer questions about pricing, services and cleaning products along with any other concerns of a client. At Elite Clean Co, we are glad to answer any questions about our first-rate commercial cleaning services in Kansas City!

Maximize Your Kansas City Office Space

If you want to increase productivity in the workplace, it is a good idea to start by ensuring a clean and organized space for your employees to work. Most employees spend just as much time, if not more, in the office as they do at home; therefore, it is important to maximize office space and keep things running smoothly. This is also true if you work from home, as it will keep your work area clean and encourage productivity. Below are four simple ways to maximize office space.

Organize Documents

Even though computers handle almost every aspect of our business lives, you will be hard-pressed to find an office that is 100% paperless. There are many instances where hard copy documents are still needed. Files, as well as the cabinets used to store them, take up large amounts of office space. The common practice today is to store files offsite in a storage space, clearing up more room in the office.

Adjust the Lighting

It is always best to allow as much natural light into the office as possible. Sunlight can drastically increase a person’s mood and will make sitting in an office all day seem less cramped and bland. Of course, natural lighting is not always possible, or there simply isn’t enough of it to illuminate the entire office space. If this is the case, recessed lighting or overhead down lighting is a wonderful alternative. Avoid floor lamps as they can take up a lot of space, and try to find light bulbs that mimic natural lighting.

Think Vertical

The best way to maximize office space is to build up. Simply keeping things together and more organized frees up a lot of space and prevents a cluttered workplace. Utilize shelves, wall hooks, bulletin boards, and other useful tools to help you keep things off of the floor and away from the walls.

Remove Clutter

Clutter can be more than just books and paper, and it can significantly decrease productivity by making things harder to find and, therefore, taking more time to accomplish simple tasks and creating a stressful work environment. In addition to the regular office mess, too many decorations – such as magnets, photos, Christmas cards, and other memorabilia – can result in a completely disorganized mess. While it is nice to have family photos to look at while you’re away, try to keep these things to a minimum while you are at work and save the décor for your home. The primary concern ought to be a clean and productive workplace.

Keeping up with these four simple steps will help you maximize office space and increase productivity in the workplace. Hiring a professional is a wise decision since most employees have enough work to do without spending extra time organizing and deep cleaning. Elite Clean Co in Kansas City, provides quality office cleaning services; let the professional do their work so you can get back to doing yours in a clean environment.

Newly Refinished Floors Makes Your Office Look Like New

If you’ve been following our blogs, you know that you only get one first impression per potential client, customer or employee and that you don’t want to risk losing them to your competition. The best way to cement a favorable impression is to maintain a clean environment. Clients want to know that you can take care of the details because that implies you will take better care of them, and employees want to know that their chances of catching a communicable disease are lower at work than at a public dump. Another way to put your best foot forward is to pay attention to where you, and your potential clients and employees, are putting that foot. Without proper care and maintenance, your vinyl, linoleum, stone or ceramic flooring will lose its luster and detract from your business’ image. At Elite Clean Co Commercial Cleaning Services, we can bring your floors back to life and a breath of fresh air into your company.

For those of you who pay special attention to our do-it-yourself cleaning tips, keep in mind that experience really does count when it comes to refinishing floors. There is a fine line between buffing to a beautiful shine and buffing too hard and thinning your floors, or buffing unevenly and leaving an unsightly finish. The slightest mistake will have you starting all over, or throwing all your hard work and invested money out the window as you pick up the phone to call a professional. Concentrate on what you do best, running your business, and let us do what we do best, clean it.

When looking for a commercial cleaning service in Kansas City or the surrounding areas, to refinish your floors, call Mac’s Janitorial Services. We will work with your budget to deliver professional results without breaking the bank. Whether it’s vinyl, linoleum, stone or ceramic, our trained and experienced staff will strip and replace the floor’s sealer, buff it to a high-gloss shine, and clean and polish it until it looks brand new.

Our floor refinishing services will increase the lifespan of your floors, improve the aesthetics of your office space and allow you to tout your eco-friendly status! You heard us right—your clientele will be impressed to hear that you only hire cleaning companies that use “green” products. After all, the health of your employees, customers, clients and the Earth are all very important to us. Almost as important as they are to you.

As one of the best companies offering commercial cleanings throughout Kansas City you can count on us to take your business to the next level. Not only can we refinish your floors, but we provide a variety of services to keep your business clean and comfortable.

Call us today at (913) 713-9579 for a free, no-obligation quote!

Local, Non-Franchise Is The Best Choice For Commercial Cleaning

When it comes to making decisions, we all have at least some level of brand loyalty. We tend to lean towards a name we’ve heard-  going with a popular name takes some of the work out of the decision making process and makes everything feel easier. Whether or not that is always the best choice, however, is another story.

Case in point, when purchasing LED televisions for my home, I went with a very well -known name. There were so many options, so much info. Without naming names (this isn’t a consumer report blog), I’ll tell you this: I’ve gone through two televisions from said company in less than seven years. So, on my most recent TV purchasing adventure I went with a newer, lesser known brand. It met my needs and my budget and so far the picture quality and the company’s customer service have far surpassed the big name guys. And it makes sense-they are not as established so they are eager to do their job better than the big guys to convert the consumers to their team.


And while I’m also guilty of eating at the same franchised restaurants (because I know exactly what to expect), my taste buds and my wallet typically both win when I give a lesser known restaurant a chance.


You aren’t here for a TV review or restaurant suggestions. If you are visiting wlnsync.com it’s likely because you are looking for a new janitorial commercial cleaning company to service your office cleaning needs. You may be inclined to simply pick a franchised office cleaning company, but as my previous stories have pointed out, a popular name does not always equate to the best. The lesser known guys realize they are not given the job off of name alone, so they are more apt to put forth the effort to win your business and more importantly, keep it.


At Elite Clean Co Commercial Cleaning Services, for example, we personally drop in on office cleaning jobs and our janitorial cleaning crews on a regular basis; ensuring we get what we expect from our team because they know we inspect. Specifically, we tell them we want our clients to see and feel day 1 service on day 365—we do not tolerate a decrease in the enthusiasm, customer service and effectiveness present on the first day of the job.


Elite Clean Co is proud we are not a franchise, and there are some very specific reasons you should be glad we are not, as well if considering us for your facility’s commercial cleaning cleaning needs. Franchises often dictate which office cleaning supplies and cleaning products each franchisee must use. This disables the franchisee/business owner’s opportunity to shop around for the best price, more effective products, etc. When a business owner cannot shop around for less costly product, they cannot save money and pass the savings onto the client. Not to mention the royalty/franchise fees due monthly. They have to make up for that cost somewhere and they do so in the client’s monthly cost.


Franchisees are often set up with employees; this “instant staff” doesn’t allow for the personal touch of slowly building a team that works best with the owner’s specific expectations for the office cleaning business. And once again because of all the additional costs of running a franchise, janitorial cleaning crews of franchised office cleaning businesses aren’t paid as well as they could be with a non-franchised company. Less pay often results in higher turnover and a constant stream of new employees means less consistent work for the clients.


Elite Clean Co is proud of our background: from how we started to how we grow our business right here in Kansas City. We stay on top of the cleaning supplies industry to ensure we are always using the most effective and cost-effective office cleaning products, both for regular janitorial cleaning and green cleaning options. We pride ourselves in our carefully selected staff and the pay we provide them all. We are excited to share our savings with our clients and offer each and every client the level of service we would expect if we were in your position, and are confident we understand what that is since we were once in your position! Tired of not finding quality office cleaning with matched customer service at a price that fit in the budget of our previous managerial positions of various Kansas City business facilities, we left to start a janitorial cleaning company that could do all this and more for Kansas City’s businesses!


We are local. We are not franchised. And we would love to show you by example why non-franchised is the better choice.

Keeping The Office Clean Between Janitorial Visits

At Elite Clean Co, we want to make sure that we meet all of your Kansas City commercial cleaning needs. So, we will not only work with you to create the perfect program for your needs and budget, but we will even offer valuable tips to use in between our visits to ensure the cleanliness of your property. We want you to keep your office clean between our visits!

First and foremost, we recommend that you take a moment and imagine you are a client entering the office. Walk around the office and make note of any areas that are cluttered, or just plain messy. Be sure to follow the same path that one of your clients might take and to be unbiased. Don’t make excuses for any area or person, because your clients won’t. After your initial assessment, follow these tips to make sure your office is as clean as you can make it without us.

  • Organize those loose papers piled around the office and on desks. Paperwork piles can look messy and lead to time-consuming issues whenever your employees need to find needed files. Try using filing cabinets and desktop trays, or go paperless and scan everything to store electronically.
  • Dust and wipe your electronics to keep them clean. Using disinfectant sprays or wipes can also cut down on the rate of cross-infections when your employees start to get sick.
  • Empty trash cans and small waste buckets as often as needed. Don’t be afraid to take those bags out to the dumpster either, instead of piling them up in a corner and waiting for us to gather them for you. We are more than happy to do so if you would prefer, but your clients may not understand your aversion to the dumpster as much as we will.
  • Disinfect the restrooms daily; they are a high traffic area and do not take long to look unkempt. Simple steps will get them through to our next visit without making people squirm when they open the door. Wipe the toilet seats and lids, clean off the sink and counter areas, and refill the soap dispensers, paper towels and toilet paper whenever needed. And if someone leaves a mess on the floor, don’t be afraid to grab a broom.
  • Make sure your employees keep the break room clean and presentable. This means having them wash, dry and put away dishes immediately after they use them. The counters and refrigerator should also be clean and organized. Have employees write their names on the food they place in the fridge, that way when the it starts taking on a life of its own, the owner can be easily tracked down to slay the beast.
  • Above all, keep all public areas respectable. Some of the people walking into your office will never make it past these areas, so if that’s the only impression they will get of your business, make sure it’s a good one.

Follow these steps and your office is sure to impress almost as much as it does after one of our visits. And if you should need a commercial cleaning for your Kansas City office sooner than planned, give Elite Clean Co a call!

Proud To Be Kansas City’s Best Janitorial Services Company

Hiring a janitorial service is a decision that may seem routine and insignificant, but it is actually one that can shape the direction of your business. By aligning yourself with top notch professionals that are capable of doing jobs that any business owner would be thoroughly pleased with, you can ensure that your business operates at a level that is conducive to long term success.

Hiring a janitorial team that is understaffed or ill-prepared to handle the messes and maintenance that a lively business or industrial site can create often results in a number of problems. The production of everyday operations will slow down noticeably if your are working with a janitorial team that is in over their head in any way. In cases of chemical spills and sterile areas, working with janitorial service professionals that are inexperienced or lacking knowledge can result in a wide variety of costly problems in both the short and long term.

On the flip side, a team of janitorial professionals that are well equipped and prepared to handle any situation can be an incredibly valuable asset to a company. When people can be trusted to do their jobs at a high level, the peace of mind that is gained is difficult to put a price tag on. In short, every successful business with well oiled day-to-day operations has hired the services of a top notch janitorial service team. As far as Kansas City janitorial services go, one company has risen above the rest.

If you are a business owner or building manager in the greater Houston area that is currently in the market for Kansas City Janitorial Services, please contact Elite Clean Co. With a staff of professionals, a fleet of vehicles and a bevy of knowledge in the industrial cleaning industry, you can hire Elite Clean Co with confidence of knowing that you are getting Kansas City’s best janitorial service.

Janitorial Services Are An Investment, Not An Expense

The antiquated notion that quality janitorial services are a trivial expense for your business, and a waste of valuable financial resources no longer holds water in today’s competitive marketplace.

We know as well as any savvy business professional that a business that truly values its clientele, is eager to grow, and chooses to maintain a positive image, also values a clean facility and work environment. For that reason, at Elite Clean Co we see quality janitorial service as an investment, not an expense.

Consider the following scenario: You have decided to partner with a local business in your area that attracts a consumer base similar to yours, and offers a service complementary to your company’s mission. Both businesses decide it would be best to consolidate, and have your office move into a shared location in order to cut property and building expenses. Upon moving into your recent partner’s office, however, you notice the office appliances are oily from human contact, the carpet is stained, and the windows are clouded with dirt. Disgusted and overwhelmed, you now find yourself second-guessing a once promising business proposition.

While such a scenario has few redeeming qualities, it reminds us that among the many gestures businesses can make to ensure that their publics feel valued, maintaining a spotless workplace is one that is essential and fundamental. Your visitors deserve to have a pleasurable experience from day one, without exception. Don’t sacrifice your employees or customer’s satisfaction and experience for filth. Invest in a quality cleaning service, and forever salvage the face of your business.

Investing in and taking advantage of a professional cleaning service, however, does more than simply promote a friendly atmosphere for your business. It avoids increases in employee health insurance costs, and can dramatically decrease profits lost due to the use of employee sick days. There’s no debating that a clean workplace is a cornerstone of efficiency, and consistently produces happy, healthy, and hygienic employees.

At Elite Clean Co we submit that a tidy business is a successful business where employees are excited to come to work everyday, and clients are forever satisfied. As a local small business, we understand your business concerns and the value of your time. Therefore we want to be more than just an external cleaning service. We want to be part of your team!

One Call Does It All!

In addition to providing unparalleled cleaning services, we’re here to help lighten your load by managing any additional issues you might experience on a daily basis that require professional assistance. In need of a contractor, painter, plumber, or handyman? Count on us, to provide a solution.

We specialize in commercial property management cleaning services. Our clients are professional offices, childcare and medical facilities.

Contact us today to arrange an on-site evaluation and a scientifically proven personalized plan of action for your property.

Cleaning The Green Way

Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes and offices: on dishes, countertops, furniture, clothes, floors, windows, and floating through the air. In our war on dirt and germs we may often actually be making things worse.

Most of the conventional cleaning products we all grew up with are petroleum-based and have dubious health and environmental implications. Instead of opting for cleaning products that annihilate everything in their path, there are plenty of natural products and methods that keep a house clean and fresh-smelling without the toxic side effects.

Top Green Cleaning Tips

Employ green cleaning products

As the health and environmental impacts of conventional cleaning products become more thoroughly understood, more and more brands of healthy, green, and effective cleaning products have started hitting the market and competing for that coveted place of honor under your sink. Many of these products are non-toxic, biodegradable, and made from renewable resources (not petroleum). But if designer labels aren’t for you, home-mixed cleaners can get the job done and then some. Vinegar and baking soda can be used to clean almost anything. Mix in a little warm water with either of these and you’ve got yourself an all-purpose cleaner.

Avoid poor indoor air quality

It is not uncommon for the air inside a home or office to be more toxic than the air outside. This is because of the presence of toxic materials and substances and the fact that homes and buildings are better insulated than ever before (which is a good thing from an energy standpoint). Keeping windows open as often as possible allows fresh air in and keeps toxins flowing out. This is especially important when cleaning your home.

Be careful with antibacterial cleaners

The antibacterial and antimicrobial ‘cleaners’ that many people think are necessary, especially during cold season, don’t clean hands better than soap and water, and also add to the risk of breeding “super germs,” bacteria that survive the chemical onslaught and have resistant offspring. The FDA has found that antibacterial soaps and hand cleansers do not work better than regular soap and water, and should be avoided.

Help your office smell baking soda-licious

Baking soda not only removes those strange smells coming from your fridge, it’s also a great odor-eliminator for your carpet. Just sprinkle on a little baking soda to soak up some of those odors and then vacuum it up.

Clean your indoor air naturally

Skip the store-bought air fresheners and instead try boiling cinnamon, cloves, or any other herbs you have a fondness for. Fresh chocolate chip cookies also have been known to create a friendly aroma. Also, plants may not make your house smell different but are good for filtering interior air–pretty much any broad green leaf plant will do. Peace Lilies are a favorite choice.

Toss toxic cleaners carefully

When replacing your cleaning products, don’t just throw the old ones in the trash. If they’re too toxic for your home, they won’t be good for the drain or the landfill either. Many communities hold toxics & electronics recycling days and will take all of these off your hands. Throwing chemicals in the trash or down the drain means they might end up back in your water supply and come back to haunt you.

Avoid conventional dry cleaners

Conventional dry cleaners are the largest users of the industrial solvent called Perchloroethylene, or perc, which is toxic to humans and also creates smog. The two most common green drycleaning methods are carbon dioxide cleaning and Green Earth. Seek out cleaners that use green methods. If you do take clothes to conventional cleaners, be sure to air them outside before wearing them or putting them in the closet.

Leave the toxins at the door

Imagine what’s on your shoes at the end of the day. Bringing that oil, antifreeze, animal waste, particulate pollution, pollen, and who knows what else into the house is not good news, especially for kids and other critters that spend time on floor level. Keep the sidewalk out of your home with a good doormat or a shoeless house policy. Many green buildings now include entryway track-off systems as a means of maintaining a healthy interior environment. Less dirt also means less sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming, which means less work, water, energy, and fewer chemicals.

Design with clean in mind

Designing houses and other building with cleanability in mind can create spaces that are cleaner, healthier, and require fewer substances to maintain. In larger buildings, good cleanability can also be a big money-saver as cleaning costs can often add up to as much as half of a building’s total energy costs.

How To Cut Down Your Small Business Energy Bill

Small businesses use energy mostly for heating and cooling, lighting, office equipment, and any specialized machinery required for the business. Outlined below are six basic steps which a small business can take to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills.

1. Track your energy costs.
Take time to review your energy usage and understand how your business consumes energy.

2. Pay attention to how you use energy.
You and your employees can do a lot to save money simply by turning things off when they are not in use. Keep up on routine maintenance. By maintaining and cleaning equipment, you can ensure the safe and efficient operation of your energy consuming systems and appliances.

3. Troubleshoot problem areas.
If you suspect equipment is malfunctioning, running too long, or not operating properly, get it fixed quickly. Install more efficient equipment.

4. Invest in systems or appliances with high energy efficiency ratings.
New equipment and appliances offer opportunities for improved energy efficiency. If there is an added cost for high efficiency equipment, be sure to factor in savings from lower energy operation costs over the life of the appliance. Here are some suggestions that provide a good return on your investment:

  • Install automatic, programmable, set-back thermostats to control both heating and cooling. Most offer flexible options that enable you to change settings for different days of the week, weekends and holidays.
  • Install occupancy sensors in hallways, bathrooms, meeting rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, and other areas where lights can be shut off for blocks of time.
  • Install photocells in outdoor entry, and security lighting to automatically sense outdoor lighting levels which turn on and off automatically.
  • Install light emitting diode (L.E.D.) exit signs in place of incandescent signs. L.E.D. signs last up to 15 times longer, and use much less energy.
  • When changing interior lighting, use energy efficient fluorescent T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts.
  • If you lease equipment, insist on energy efficient models to lower your operating costs. Check out our $mart Business lighting rebate program for small businesses. You may qualify for rebates on some of the above items.

5. Change Energy Usage Behavior
Significant energy savings can be achieved by simply changing how you and your employees use energy. Some of the fastest and easiest ways to save money typically cost little or nothing. If all of these simple suggestions are implemented, you could reduce your energy costs considerably.

  • Turn off lights, computers, and other office equipment when they are not in use. Have a procedure to ensure these items are switched off overnight and on weekends. Consider installing reminder labels.
  • Lower your heater thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting when your business is occupied. Set the temperature back further when the business is unoccupied.
  • In warmer months, raise your air conditioner thermostat to the highest comfortable setting. There should be at least five degrees F between heating and cooling set points.
  • Set back or turn off heating or air conditioning, a little while before the end of your operating hours. (Remember to maintain some heating in winter to prevent pipes from freezing.)
  • Let the sunshine warm your office during colder months by opening drapes or blinds. Close them at night to retain heat.
  • Remember to turn off outside safety and security lighting at the start of each day.
  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent heat loss during winter or loss of cool air in summer. However, you may wish to keep doors and windows open to provide ventilation, instead of using air conditioning in summer.

6. Routine Maintenance
Maintenance of energy-consuming equipment is critical to ensuring optimum energy efficiency. Many maintenance items do not require specialized training and can be done yourself. Here are some key items to incorporate into your business maintenance routine.

  • Check to be sure all automatic controls are set and operating correctly.
  • Clean all filters in your heating and cooling system monthly.
  • Check and regularly clean filters if you use exhaust fans.
  • Caulk or weatherstrip any drafty doors or windows.
  • Remove unneeded light bulbs or use lower wattage bulbs.
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with screw-in energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs as appropriate.
  • Lower your water heater thermostat. Washington State law requires all new water heaters to be preset at 120 degrees F for safety.
  • Adjust outdoor lighting timer controls to accommodate daylight savings time changes, or install photocells to adjust automatically to changes in the season.
  • T-8 fluorescent tubes (1-inch diameter) last longer than the older T-12 lamps. You do not need to replace them as frequently as T-12’s. When you do replace them, be sure to buy case-lots from lighting supply companies to save money.
  • Regularly clean and maintain food refrigeration equipment where applicable.

Reasons To Hire A Professional Janitorial Service

All facility owners and managers know that keeping a facility or facilities clean is very hard work. There are 3 main factors to consider when choosing to bring in a professional janitorial service:

  1. Cost in Money â€“ Money is always a consideration whether you have a razor thin budget or are flush with cash. Cash you save can always be used on other things you need.
  2. Cost in Resources â€“ Time, Energy, and Stress are some of the main resources spent while cleaning your facility. Calls and complaints made because of a dirty or under maintained facility will result in wastes of your time and energy while it increases your stress level.
  3. Cost Of Improperly Maintaining Your Facility â€“ If you don’t keep your facility maintained you can lose tenants or customers, not to mention the decline in the value of your asset.

The Cost of Going It Alone

When budgets get thin, some business owners and managers try to handle maintenance on their own. This is a successful strategy for only very few companies because most company’s management teams already have a full plate. Managing maintenance can quickly be pushed aside for more pressing issues. Since most managers and owners don’t have much experience with the cleaning industry, they could be leaving themselve open to potential problems that come home to roost later. Owners and manager who decide to go it alone are basically opening up a janitorial service within their own business, so in most cases the total cost of cleaning and maintenance would be lower if they elected to use a Kansas City janitorial service such as Elite Clean Co. Bringing in a professional janitorial service will allow businesses and their employees to concentrate on their core business and their bottom lines.

  • Most janitorial service firms, like Elite Clean Co, can buy the cleaning supplies and paper products at a significant savings since they purchase them in bulk
  • Business owners and Office Manager won’t need to purchase cleaning equipment or maintain it
  • A janitorial service firm like Elite Clean Co manages and pays their own team members, proving less employee welfare expense risk and less headaches for their clients

Finding the Right Kansas City Janitorial Service

Some of the factors you need to weigh when selecting a commercial cleaning company are the level of service, trust, professionalism, responsiveness and the cost.

Size matters. Your facility can become one little account to a huge national commercial cleaning company. Not a very good position of leverage for most smaller facilities. On the flip side if you choose a commercial cleaning company that is too small or too green you could receive less than desirable service. You’re best bet is a locally owned and professionally run janitorial company that has been around for awhile and has a good reputation. These companies will have all the systems and procedures in place that many larger janitorial service companies have but also be more responsiveness to your needs.

It All Comes Down To…

  • Transparent Pricing â€“ Sets the tone for a positive working relationship and everyone is on the same page.
  • Responsive Service â€“ All companies make mistakes but the good companies provide timely and responsive service when they do.
  • Quality People â€“ The best cleaning companies find, train, and reward their employees. In turn the employees stay with the company long term
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Free Quotes

Receive a complimentary price quote for cleaning services that will fit your needs and your budget

    Contact Us 24/7

    Requesting a quote is easy!  You can either fill out the form or call us at (913) 713-9579.  A friendly voice will assist you with setting up a time to meet and discuss your situation! Here at Elite Clean Co we pride ourselves in providing you with the highest quality cleaning services that Kansas City has to offer.  We provide you with free estimates and a one on one consultation to better understand exactly what you are looking for in your cleaning company.

    We Work Around Your Schedule!

    For more information please email or call us today! We will respond quickly and be glad to help with you any questions that you may have. If you are slightly outside our coverage area or have a request for a service that you do not see on our list, call anyway! Will will do our best to accommodate any reasonable request. We pride ourselves in being the best service and bringing you the best value for your money. Where the other cleaning companies fail, we succeed!