When it comes to making decisions, we all have at least some level of brand loyalty. We tend to lean towards a name we’ve heard- going with a popular name takes some of the work out of the decision making process and makes everything feel easier. Whether or not that is always the best choice, however, is another story.
Case in point, when purchasing LED televisions for my home, I went with a very well -known name. There were so many options, so much info. Without naming names (this isn’t a consumer report blog), I’ll tell you this: I’ve gone through two televisions from said company in less than seven years. So, on my most recent TV purchasing adventure I went with a newer, lesser known brand. It met my needs and my budget and so far the picture quality and the company’s customer service have far surpassed the big name guys. And it makes sense-they are not as established so they are eager to do their job better than the big guys to convert the consumers to their team.
And while I’m also guilty of eating at the same franchised restaurants (because I know exactly what to expect), my taste buds and my wallet typically both win when I give a lesser known restaurant a chance.
You aren’t here for a TV review or restaurant suggestions. If you are visiting wlnsync.com it’s likely because you are looking for a new janitorial commercial cleaning company to service your office cleaning needs. You may be inclined to simply pick a franchised office cleaning company, but as my previous stories have pointed out, a popular name does not always equate to the best. The lesser known guys realize they are not given the job off of name alone, so they are more apt to put forth the effort to win your business and more importantly, keep it.
At Elite Clean Co Commercial Cleaning Services, for example, we personally drop in on office cleaning jobs and our janitorial cleaning crews on a regular basis; ensuring we get what we expect from our team because they know we inspect. Specifically, we tell them we want our clients to see and feel day 1 service on day 365—we do not tolerate a decrease in the enthusiasm, customer service and effectiveness present on the first day of the job.
Elite Clean Co is proud we are not a franchise, and there are some very specific reasons you should be glad we are not, as well if considering us for your facility’s commercial cleaning cleaning needs. Franchises often dictate which office cleaning supplies and cleaning products each franchisee must use. This disables the franchisee/business owner’s opportunity to shop around for the best price, more effective products, etc. When a business owner cannot shop around for less costly product, they cannot save money and pass the savings onto the client. Not to mention the royalty/franchise fees due monthly. They have to make up for that cost somewhere and they do so in the client’s monthly cost.
Franchisees are often set up with employees; this “instant staff” doesn’t allow for the personal touch of slowly building a team that works best with the owner’s specific expectations for the office cleaning business. And once again because of all the additional costs of running a franchise, janitorial cleaning crews of franchised office cleaning businesses aren’t paid as well as they could be with a non-franchised company. Less pay often results in higher turnover and a constant stream of new employees means less consistent work for the clients.
Elite Clean Co is proud of our background: from how we started to how we grow our business right here in Kansas City. We stay on top of the cleaning supplies industry to ensure we are always using the most effective and cost-effective office cleaning products, both for regular janitorial cleaning and green cleaning options. We pride ourselves in our carefully selected staff and the pay we provide them all. We are excited to share our savings with our clients and offer each and every client the level of service we would expect if we were in your position, and are confident we understand what that is since we were once in your position! Tired of not finding quality office cleaning with matched customer service at a price that fit in the budget of our previous managerial positions of various Kansas City business facilities, we left to start a janitorial cleaning company that could do all this and more for Kansas City’s businesses!
We are local. We are not franchised. And we would love to show you by example why non-franchised is the better choice.